How does dolphin emulator work with motion controls
How does dolphin emulator work with motion controls

  1. #How does dolphin emulator work with motion controls how to
  2. #How does dolphin emulator work with motion controls Pc
  3. #How does dolphin emulator work with motion controls Bluetooth

Continuous Scanning allows you to connect a Wii Remote without having to open the Wii Remote window and press refresh every time. To connect a Wii Remote, press "Refresh" then press the 1 + 2 buttons on your Wii Remote simultaneously (Sync button for -TR models).

how does dolphin emulator work with motion controls

This is not supposed to happen and is the source of your bug. NOTE: If the controller is significantly off center in Dolphin but nowhere else, check all controller axis to see if one has a "+-" on it. Profile allows you to save/load input configs.Īfter setting up everything that you want, click "OK" and the changes will save. This is used to map the dimensions of the input source.Īlways Connected forces the emulated controller to stay connected to the emulated Gamecube. Hit "OK" to accept the changes and exit the window.Ĭontrol Stick Calibration limits the radius of the joystick input. If you wish to add a second pattern, click another pattern and press "| OR". Within the rumble configuration window, click on the motor pattern you wish to use (sine, cosine, etc), and press "Select" to apply it. If you controller supports it, Rumble will allow your controller to experience the GameCube controller's rumble functionality. See Input Syntax for documentation and examples. Right click a slot to show more input options.Middle click a slot to clear it of inputs.Left click a slot to detect input, then press a button/key or axes on your selected device to save it to that slot.

#How does dolphin emulator work with motion controls Pc

One left unconfigured will be considered dummy "plugged in" during the game emulation.Ĭhoose any device that is connected to your PC in the Device dropdown, and set the buttons and axes to your liking. That does not apply to the adapters that behave as generic controllers and need to be configured (see below).Īfter setting any one of the emulated GameCube ports, proceed to the "Configure" button for each. It does not require any button configuration.

#How does dolphin emulator work with motion controls how to

To use the actual GameCube Controllers using an Official GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U (and its clones), see How to use the Official GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U in Dolphin. GameCube Controller Real GameCube Controller (GameCube Adapter) See DSU Client for more details.Īfter you select what you want to use, check in the section(s) below for additional configuration. Alternate Input Sources allows the use of capturing motion data from other hardware inputs into Dolphin. Background Input lets you use the controller or keyboard even if Dolphin isn't in focus.

how does dolphin emulator work with motion controls

In the Common config area, you can choose options that would both affect Gamecube and Wii controllers. Some games, like Metroid Prime 3, have lag issues when Enable Speaker Data is enabled on some systems. When using a real Wii Remote, the audio will come out of the Wii Remotes' speakers with emulated Wii Remotes, it will come out of the system speakers. Enable Speaker Data controls whether the Wii Remote speaker can produce sound. Although the Balance Board cannot be emulated, Dolphin allows the use of a real-world Balance Board by selecting "Real Balance Board". Dolphin supports up to four Wii Remotes at once, along with any peripherals you have attached to them.

#How does dolphin emulator work with motion controls Bluetooth

Select "Real Wii Remote" in the dropdown for a Wii Remote slot to use a real-world Wii Remote connected to your PC via bluetooth for that slot. You can also assign the Wii Remote to connect it as an emulated controller by selecting "Connect Wii Remotes for Emulated Controllers". In the Wii Controllers config area, you have the option to use real or emulated Wii Remotes, as well as choosing to passthrough a Bluetooth Adapter (see Bluetooth Passthrough) or emulating the Wii's adapter. It is within each port's own "Configure" button. They will be handled entirely in the GameCube Controller Configuration window. The controller order on the PC does not have to equal to GameCube controller port order. The emulated GameCube controllers themselves are referred to as "Standard Controller" in the dropdown menu. In the Gamecube Controllers config area, you can configure or disable the emulated GameCube controller ports. The main controller configuration window will appear, as seen in the screenshot below. To open and manage the controller settings for Dolphin, from the Dolphin's main window, navigate to Options -> Controller Settings, or simply click the "Controllers" button.

how does dolphin emulator work with motion controls

2.1 Real GameCube Controller (GameCube Adapter).

How does dolphin emulator work with motion controls